Water Conservation
With the warmer summer weather this week, we need to be aware of our water usage. Please try to water your lawn and gardens between the hours of 7:00 & 9:00. Please try to avoid any unnecessary water use.
Village Board Meeting 6-17-20
Village of South Glens Falls
Public Board Meeting
June 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm
Dear Residents:
Since the Village of South Glens Falls has declared a State of Emergency
all Board meetings will be held via Go To Meeting.
You can dial in using your phone by calling
And using access Code: 564-954-901
Join from your computer by logging in at
Thank you for understanding during this difficult time.
Planning Board Meeting 6/10/20
Village of South Glens Falls
Public Hearing Planning Board Meeting
June 10, 2020 at 7:00 pm
Dear Residents:
Since the Village of South Glens Falls has declared a
State of Emergency all Board meetings will be held
via GoTo Meeting.
You can dial in using your phone by calling
And using access Code: 314-890-109
Join from your computer by logging in at
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the public hearing for APPEAL No. 1- 2020 to be held by the Village of South Glens Falls Zoning Board of Appeals regarding the property located at 43 Main Street has been adjourned.