January 17, 2018

January 17, 2018


Mayor Gutheil
Trustee Bodkin
Trustee Carota
Trustee Girard
Susan Bartkowski
Clerk Treasurer Kelleher

Public Forum


1. Approval of Minutes – December 6, 2017, January 3, 2018 and January 10, 2018. Motion by Trustee Carota to accept all of three sets of these minutes. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

2. Set Future Meetings
Mayor Gutheil requested a starting time change for the February 7, 2018 Board meeting from 7:00 to 6:30pm.
A Special meeting is scheduled to discuss possible sewer grant money scheduled for 4:00 on Wednesday January 24th with Mary Beth Bianconi of Delaware Engineering.

3. Transfers:
Move $10,000.00 from 1990.400 Contingency to 1430.400 Special Attorney
Move $10,000.00 from 5142.100 Snow Removal to 5110.100 Street Maintenance

Motion was made by Trustee Girard to make both of these transfers. Seconded by Trustee Carota. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

4. Approve Payment of Bills

Mayor Gutheil asked to pull voucher # 94360 and #94361 both for Ace Carting because services are not rendered yet. Will pay these two vouchers in February. Motion by Trustee Bodkin to approve these bills minus the two Ace Carting vouchers. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried. Warrant attached.

Mayor Gutheil suggested keeping an eye on the cost of mutt mitts. The annual cost is approximately $1,600 for these and shipping alone was $116.

5. Storm Water Management Officer
Mayor Gutheil recommends appointing Joe Patricke for Storm Water Management Officer. Motion by Trustee Bodkin to appoint Joe Patricke for Storm Water Management Officer. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

6. Village Election
Motion to say we are not going to hold a Village Registration Day by Trustee Carota. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Need motion to affirm the election will be on March 20, 2018 from noon to 9pm at the Village Hall, 46 Saratoga Avenue, South Glens Falls. Motion by Trustee Carota. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

7. River Street Rezoning
Request to change the zoning for 41 River Street. This was referred to the Planning Board. Mayor Gutheil received a letter January 16, 2018 from FitzGerald Morris Baker Firth Attorneys stating that the Planning Board recommends that the rezoning be granted. Trustee Girard stated that there is indication that the occupants are living there. He asked counsel if there is any way that we can assure that they can not live there? Counsel inquired if there has been any code violations? Mayor Gutheil will obtain a report from the building inspector. Counsel requested a copy of the petition for rezoning. The Clerk Treasurer will get this to counsel.

8. Motion was made by Trustee Bodkin to receive and file the January 17th Public Works Report. Seconded by Trustee Carota. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

9. Banking Resolution
Mayor Gutheil requests the Village Board to authorize the Mayor, Clerk Treasurer & Deputy Treasurer to have authority to use all banking including deleting existing users on the accounts at TD Bank and NBT Bank. The TD Bank account is believed to be the balance of the original CDBG Grant and currently has a balance of $10,229.19. The NBT bank account currently has a balance of $11,601.93. Trustee Carota moved to authorize the Mayor, Village Clerk Treasurer and Village Deputy Treasurer to write checks, move money, delete any previous named authorized account users and perform all other functions for those bank accounts at TD Bank and NBT Bank. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Mayor Gutheil mentioned that the Sara Grant application deadline was this week. The Village will be a year behind in applying for this grant. Would like to find a grant where to digitize our records. We do have a meeting scheduled in February with the NYS Archives to review our current records.

10. Street Maintenance Supervisor
Moved this discussion to the end of the meeting in Executive Session.

11. Planning Board Resignations
Dave Linehan’s resignation is dated January 15, 2018. A couple of people have expressed an interest in serving on the Planning Board and the Mayor will conduct interviews. At the last Planning Board meeting Mayor Gutheil was given a resignation letter from Debbie Fitzgibbon. Motion to accept these two resignations by Trustee Carota. Seconded by Trustee Girard. Mayor Gutheil thanked them both for their service. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

12. PBA Memorandum of Agreement
This has not been finalized yet. Hopefully by the next Board meeting.

13. Trustee Reports
Trustee Girard reported that the Republican Caucus is scheduled for Monday January 29, 2018 at 7pm in the Village Hall at 46 Saratoga Avenue, South Glens Falls.
Trustee Girard asked for an update on the health insurance debit cards. Mayor Gutheil said he will call Capital Financial to obtain an update.
Trustee Girard inquired on the status of the Fleet card that was referred to counsel. Susan Bartkowksi explained that the company actually sent us an addendum to the master agreement and she has asked the Clerk Treasurer to request the master agreement and forward it on to her for review.

Trustee Bodkin mentioned that audio recordings are on now on the Village website and we are getting the agenda and minutes on the website as well.

14. Mayors report
Received correspondence from Towne Ryan and he believes there is a mistake with the invoice. The Mayor and Village Board will review the Towne Ryan invoices regarding SCA and will talk to counsel to resolve.

There was a NYCOM training seminar today that the Clerk Treasurer and Deputy Clerk attended.

Mayor Gutheil asked counsel to mark up the Hach contract copy with fine print and report back to him so they can get this contract signed. Counsel requested a copy and was given one.

National Grid Leland Street Pump Station. We received a letter from National Grid that given the recent usage we may be forced to go to a demand meter rate. Mayor Gutheil asked what is driving the costs up on the pump stations? All are electric heat. There is no generator hook-up at the Leland Street location. The Mayor will call Delaware Engineering and see if they have any ideas.

NYCOM has a Winter Legislative meeting scheduled for February 11-13. The Clerk Treasurer will give the Village Board a copy of this meeting notice.

NYMIR has a training scheduled for January 23rd from 9 to 12 on Work Place Violence & Sexual Harassment Prevention Program and Lyme Disease & Rabies training. The Village Zoning and Planning Boards were copied on this meeting. Ed Robbins will be invited. All Village staff received this notice and all are encouraged to attend.

The Mayor requested a motion to enter in to Executive Session to discuss the Street Maintenance Supervisor position with the likeness we might take action when we come out of Executive Session and to discuss a particular unnamed person(s) job performance. Motion was made by Trustee Bodkin. Seconded by Trustee Girard at 7:52pm. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn the Executive Session and reopen Regular Meeting was made by Trustee Carota. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

A Motion was made to offer the position of Street Maintenance Supervisor to the candidate at an annual salary of $55,000, subject to a mutually agreeable start date, subject to acceptance by the candidate and approval of said acceptance by the Board of Trustees by Trustee Girard. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Girard. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43pm.