January 3, 2018


7:00 PM

January 3, 2018



Public Forum

David Linehan thanked Trustee Bodkin for his help and answering a call on a Sunday.

Charlie Granger stated that this Board needs to fill the vacancy seat on the Village Board. He said it is an injustice to the public not to have 5 people on this Board.

Charlie Granger asked about the multiple CSEA contracts. What are these? Mayor Gutheil replied that one of the contracts was voted on but was not signed. The other two were each signed by the Mayor and the union relations specialist. One of these two was 28 pages long and the other copy was 32 pages long.

Charlie Granger said that he doesn’t know why the Village Board is not being more aggressive with the SCA assessment issue. He feels they should be aggressive and keep an open dialog with them. Mayor Gutheil stated that he did go to several meetings at the Town and attended a School Board meeting. The Town voted 3 to 2 to approve the settlement.

Tom Wade inquired if Mr. Hayes is still in the water meter program test run? Is he still getting water at a fixed rate? He asked the Board to look into this. Mayor Gutheil said they will look in to it. The test was to see what the use of sprinklers would be in the residential program but Mr. Hayes was still paying the same rate as everyone else.

1. Approval of Minutes – December 20, 2017
Motion by Trustee Girard to strike one sentence referring that the Village had received a $24,000 grant from the State because that hasn’t been verified. Seconded by Trustee Carota. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

2. Set Future Meetings
Water and Sewer Committee should meet. Trustee Girard and Trustee Bodkin will call a meeting.

3. Transfers
To: 8320-0800 Water Pump FICA/Med $. 65
From: 8310-0800 Admin Water Station $ .65

To: 5110-0100 Street Maintenance $258.79
From: 5010-0100 Street Maintenance Administration $258.79

Motion to approve transfers by Trustee Bodkin. Seconded by Trustee Carota. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

4. Approve Payment of Bills
Question by Trustee Bodkin on Voucher #94310 for stripping of roads. Mayor Gutheil talked to Rick Daley about this today. It was an invoice from Saratoga County DPW dated 12/14/17. Motion to approve payment of bills by Trustee Carota. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

5. Fifth Street Parking
Bill Duell stated that someone is parking on Fifth Street between McDonalds and Route 9. The curb height is only 2 ½ inches and standard curb height is 4 ½ to 8 inches. This is a dangerous spot and never had parking there before. He requests the Village take out the curb or put up a No Parking This Side of Street sign. Mayor Gutheil said he referred this issue to the Planning Board and asked David Linehan to take a look at it. Bill Duell will get Dave Linehan a set of pictures of the area. Mayor Gutheil said he will check with Rick Daley for curb size.

6. Approve Holiday Schedule 2018 – Non Union Employees
The non-union employees have had 15 paid holidays since 2011 when Columbus Day was added. Trustee Carota remembers when the fifteenth holiday was added in 2011.
Motion to approve proposed Holiday Schedule (attached) by Trustee Bodkin. Seconded by Trustee Carota. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

7. Nominate Deputy Treasurer & Deputy Registrar
Mayor Gutheil nominated Rebecca Pomainville to fill the remainder of Anna Tracy’s term of the vacant Deputy Treasurer position. There was a brief discussion about expanded residency.

Motion was made by Trustee Girard to approve the nomination and appointment of Rebecca Pomainville effective January 3, 2018 at a salary of $38,000 subject to a favorable background check. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Girard to fill the remainder of Anna Tracy’s term of the vacant Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

8. Schedule Special Village Election
William Hayes resigned more than 75 days before the 3rd Tuesday in March therefore the Village has to have a special election to fill the vacancy. Election date is March 20, 2018.

Motion was made by Trustee Girard to hold a Special Election on March 20, 2018 at 46 Saratoga Avenue, South Glens Falls and to cover any and all costs for the election including legal ads, ballots and payment for election inspectors. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.
Trustee Bodkin will post the Special Election notice on the Village Website.

9. Thomson Reuters
The Village received 4 law books at a cost of $1,004. The Mayor questioned the bill and requested a 5 year history from Thomson Reuters and found that the Village has paid over $14,000 in that time period. Mayor recommends cancelling this subscription. Motion by Trustee Girard to cancel the subscription. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

10. Animal Control Report
Trustee Bodkin moved to receive and file the December Animal Control Report. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

11. Public Works Report
Trustee Girard moved to receive and file the Public Works report. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

12. Trustees Report
Trustee Bodkin reported that he has posted the 2008 Comprehensive Plan on the Village Website. He has updated the water quality report and posted the Fall Newsletter. He also reported that email addresses are being set up for all Planning Board members.

Cyber Security Update – Very few firms are doing this and they are all very busy.

13. Mayors Report
The Village did qualify for CWSRF grant and is eligible until 2020 if we want to take advantage of interest free financing.

Board took no action on resolution from County Magistrate Association.

LDC – Mayor Gutheil will contact the current treasurer and request they call a meeting. Secretary Dannae Bock resigned as did president Joe Patricke. The Village is looking for people who want to serve. The Village Board doesn’t have any authority on LDC but believes all the current Boards terms have expired. Trustee Carota asked if there are any requirements to being a member. He suggested that the Board come up with names for new members. The Clerk Treasurer will make a copy of the LDC Bylaws for the Village Board, Charlie Granger and will email one to attorney Susan Bartkowski.

Two positions have been posted at DPW. Highway Maintenance Supervisor and an anticipated opening for Working Foreman.

Zoning Board member terms are probably up soon and we will be looking for people to serve their community.

Mayor requested attorney Susan Bartkowski take a look at the Fleet Card Agreement. The Village of Hudson Falls is currently using this program.

There is a NYCOM Workshop on January 17th for new officials. The Clerk Treasurer has requested she and the Deputy Treasurer attend this workshop. Trustee Carota moves to approve the necessary expense of $50 per person to attend this workshop. Seconded by Trustee Girard. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Executive Session
Motion to go in to Executive Session at 7:58 pm by Trustee Girard to discuss a particular unnamed person(s) job performance. Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn Executive Session and reopen Regular Meeting by Trustee Girard.
Seconded by Trustee Bodkin. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

No action was taken in Executive Session.

Motion to adjourn Regular Meeting by Trustee Bodkin . Seconded by Trustee Carota. All were in favor. None opposed. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:17p.m.